The form of the water pavilion is deduced from the isometric view of a cube, composed of ten interior water walls surrounded by six perimeter walls, giving the top view the appearance of a cube nested in a hexagonal structure. The 2.5-metre-high water walls systematically rise and fall, delineating all possible configurations of the space in defined sequences before changing shape and appearance. Initially the pavilion looks inaccessible, but soon it becomes evident that the wall of water is divided into sections and the visitors are able to move between spaces within the structure. Visitors find themselves enclosed in ever-changing interior spaces or suddenly pushed to the exterior, without any means to control the confinement or exclusion.
Year: 2007
Materials: Water, stainless steel, nozzles, electrical pumps, computer controller, wooden ramp
Dimensions: 2,50 x 19,80 x 13,07 m
Enel Contemporanea, Piazza Damiano Sauli, Rome, IT, 2007
Höhenrausch.2, OK Offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich, Linz, AT, 2011
Hexagonal Water Pavilion, Neues Museum Nürnberg, DE, 2012-2018