The work is a circular water pavilion with an enclosing wall of water shooting up from jets in the ground, which is sub-divided into smaller spaces by four independent walls within the structure.
The water walls randomly rise and fall, defining all possible configurations of the space before changing shape and appearance. The visitor is allowed to move within the structure from space to space, finding himself in differently shaped spaces inside, or suddenly on the outside, of the pavilion without any possibility to control or govern the confinement or exclusion.
Installed in an open, public space, the water pavilion activates the area and invites people to make use of the work, either as a space for seclusion and relaxation or the opposite, a place of pure joy and playfulness.
Year: 2018
Material: water, wood, iron grating, jets, electrical pumps, computer controller
Dimensions: 2,30 m high, ø 15,70 m
The playground Project - Outdoor, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, DE, 2018